Recent news

Parent Teacher Interview Eco Booth!
Brian Ferry March 2012
On November 28th the Eco team set up the booth to advocate and promote Eco-friendly lifestyle, ECO @ Haig and community involvement to parents! Following the booth we screen Eco-friendly movies such as WALL-E and the Lorax! It was a ton of fun! We hope you can join us for next time!
Read the rest on the Facebook group!

Waste Reduction Week
Susan Smith March 2012
It was a fun and successful week! Thanks to all the eco execs for organizing the events!
Monday: Educating the Public
-Recycling Game (Main Hall, Athletic Circle, Wavy?)
Tuesday: Litterless Lunch Day
-Carp and Litterbugs
Wednesday: Water Bottle Free Day
-Free Nestea! (if you have a reusable water bottle)
-Carp and Litterbugs
-Footprint Rewards
Thursday: Craft Sale!
-selling hand-made jewellery
Friday: Bakeswap
-Bring in batteries and/or old clothing and fabric to exchange for yummy baked goods. (also can use the footprints to exchange)

Carol Simons March 2012
Recycling bins are out and ready for your use! The recycling center in the main hall is also open for those wishing to drop off old batteries and electronics.
Remember Haig, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Thanks and STAY Green!